
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Character Modelling - モンハンだよ!

First assignment using only standard primitives and at least one object that's an editable polygon to....

Making this Brachy in a week! He started off with a box and we worked our way outward.

We get to model a fish this week. I'm going to try and do a mudskipper 'cause they have interesting shapes.

Texturing and Lighting - THE POWER OF TWO

First assignment was to texture a crate! However, MOBY was down because of a storm, so we were unable to grab the original unwrap and had to create our own. He didn't want to get too into it [for good reason!], so that's why this unwrap looks the way it does.

Lots of stuff that's wrong with this, but teacher is so awesome. He goes through everyone's stuff and critiques. We're a small class this year of 10 people, so getting that extra time with the teachers is great. Also, he's just a fun guy to be around.


Second assignment was to texture a door. We also learned about elements map and lighting map that can go along with your unwrap to make the texturing process easier. We also learned about specular level, which is what that greyscale image is for! I tried harder to pay attention to real doors to add in those extra little details and I think it paid off. 

We're learning how to unwrap this week. We get to unwrap this cannon and try to texture it, too. This is definitely one of the more difficult classes for me since I have trouble focusing on smaller details and painting/lighting in general.


Environmental Modelling stuff

First assignment was to model a city/town. You could do a larger city with less detail or a smaller part of a city, like a city block, with a lot more detail.

Second assignment was to build a desk lamp using the new tools he showed us ― line splines and the lathe modifier.

He taught us about edge reinforcing and how that affects what an object looks like with TurboSmooth on and off. And he showed us some keyboard shortcuts and how to modify it to our liking.

We get to fix up our lamps and do some more objects for him to get used to the tools. I was aiming to do one a day, but I'm still sick so maybe I'll aim for 2 or 3 new objects alongside the lamp.

Some 3D Animations so far

Too lazy to make it loop and stuff but yeahhhh animating in 3DS Max is cool and super different. The teacher is super fun.

We're working on making a simple character of our design do 3 jumps right now, so hopefully that one doesn't poop as much as these two. ;-;